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The Glass Shops will close April 10th for the Winter Season.

The Glass Shop has Open Studio times for certified users to work on their own Glass projects.

To be a certified user a person must:

  • have completed our Stained Glass Beginner Class to work on their own Stained Glass projects and/or
  • have completed our 4 or 5 afternoon Beginner Fused Glass Class to work on their own Fused Glass projects and/or
  • have previous Stained or Fused Glass experience and be ‘certified’ by one of our Senior Monitors [1].

Glass Shop Fees

The Glass Shop has 3 levels of member passes for certified users:

  1. Daily Pass – There is a $5.00 session fee for each Open Studio block attended.
  2. Monthly Pass – Users can purchase a monthly pass (good for 30 consecutive days) for $30.00 for the Winter Season or $15.00 for the Summer Season.
  3. Seasonal Pass – Users can purchase a pass good for the season for $70.00 for the Winter Season or $30.00 for the Summer Season.

These passes allow users to attend any Open Studio block while their pass is valid. The pass includes shop time, limited shop resources, shop equipment and firing for pieces made during shop time (user must supply kiln paper as required for the firings).

Any pieces brought in for firing, which are made outside the shop, will have a $5 firing fee for each piece, per firing (user must supply kiln paper as required for the firings).

(Winter Season – October 15 – April 10, Summer Season – May 1 – October 14)

Glass Shop Schedule

Effective for Winter Season

Open Studio – Monday to Thursday 9:00 – noon until April 10th for Stained and March 26 for Fused. After March 26 open Mondays 9 – noon until April 10th.
A Taste of Glass – Thursdays 1:30 – 3:30 pm

The Glass Shop will Closed for Thanksgiving Day and for the Christmas holidays December 24 – 26, 2024 and January 1, 2025.

Effective for Summer Season

Fused Open Studio – Tuesdays 9:30 – noon
Stained Open Studio – CLOSED
A Taste of Glass – Thursdays 9:30 – 11:30


[1] To be qualified in Stained Glass, the person must be certified to be competent in the following:

  1. Cutting and shaping glass (Use of hand tools and grinder)
  2. Foiling glass
  3. Soldering foiled glass
  4. How to safely handle glass and soldering irons

To be qualified in Fused Glass, the person must be certified to be competent in the following:

  1. Cutting and shaping glass (Use of hand tools and grinder)
  2. Understand fusing terms such as COE, Tac fuse, Full fuse, Slump, etc.
  3.  Glass compatibility in a kiln
  4. Layering techniques
  5. Effect of kiln heat on glass
  6. How to safely handle glass in all its various forms


People are like stained – glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

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